Principal’s Message

First page of the PDF file: 1-29Fridayannouncements

August, 2022

Dear Walsh Families

Welcome Back Wolves!  We are excited to see all or our students smiling faces this 2022-2023 school year!  As your administration team, it is our sincere pleasure to work with our dedicated staff and community to help provide an excellent educational experience for our students.  We are committed to ensuring that your children are provided the opportunity to excel and achieve their greatest potential. Last year we added many enrichment opportunities to the school day and this year will not be any different.  The district has hired PE teachers for all elementary sites and each class will have PE instruction twice a week.  In addition we will provide time in the STEAM lab and the Art room every week.  

We welcome some new team members this year that we would like to introduce to you.  

Wei Guevara has joined our Transitional Kindergarten team from Los Paseos.  Ms. Andrews will be teaching our primary age Beta Special Day Class and Ms. Coddington, new to the district, will teach in the Resource Room.    Mrs.Guglielmo-Carvalho is our new Speech and Language Teacher. Mrs. Gibson will teach PE and Mrs. Carr will welcome students in the Library. 

School begins Tuesday, August 16 at 7:55.  Pick up will be at 2:40 and at 12:40 on Wednesdays.  TK/K will have early release the first week of school and will be dismissed at 11am. 

Bus transportation: students and drivers will be required to wear a mask during their bus ride. Busses will be running. Please submit a bus request here.  While we are so fortunate to be able to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to ALL families we are still needing ALL families to fill out the National School Lunch Program Application to ensure we continue to receive Title One funding and to provide free transportation if applicable.  Press here for that online link.

This year we will continue to focus on school wide social emotional initiatives (PBIS), best practices in teaching and learning, the use of data to drive instruction, and provide consistent implementation of the curriculum in a rigorous manner. By doing so, we can continue to increase student academic achievement and experiences that are rigorous, relevant, and help students build relationships while making real-world connections. This will be accomplished through the integration of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). 

Our partnership with our families and community is an integral part of the success of PA Walsh STEAM Academy. We encourage you to to become involved, whether through our Home and School Club(HSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and School Site Council (SSC). Your feedback and support are essential to our continued improvement.  A strong partnership between home and school fosters the greatest success for students.  We are excited for the opportunity to work with you and your child to provide a safe and productive learning environment.  Go Wolves!

See you bright an early on August 16th! 


Shannon Rafat            Danette Sokacich
Principal                      Assistant Principal